Monday, November 24, 2014

Snow Day!

I am going to attempt trying to blog again. It is such a desire of mine to journal the things of our life, but it is also such a struggle. 

Today we received about 5 inches of snow. It was beautiful and so fun to get out and play in. Chloe absolutely loves the snow! She would stay out in the snow all day long if I let her.  Hudson has fun at the beginning and then quickly wants to come in and have some hot cocoa. Today was hopes first time out into the snow and she looks so cute in her snowsuit. By the time naps were done it was dark and the kids didn't get to go out after naps. So I promised we would be able to go out tomorrow.

I too love snow and playing in it. Speaking of play. Chloe asks for her daddy a lot on days when he works. She says daddy plays with her more then I do. I have been struggling with this lately. I feel like I have so much to do around the house and playing doesn't come naturally for this mama. 

It's something I would like to work on. Along with my six hundred other things I want to improve on.... One day at a time I guess. 

First snow always makes me think of this verse. 

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18 ESV)

God can help change scarlet sins as white as snow. With his help I can make changes that I desire in my life. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Big day!!!

Hudson took his first steps today!!! He is 10 months and 12 days old. He has been walking with a walker and holding hands for quite some time now but today was his official first steps. And there were four of them!

So proud of my little boy!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy 9 months Buddy!

I didn't get around to posting yesterday as we were out and about most of the day but I wanted to get in a nine month birthday post up!

I didn't get a picture of him on my phone so I'm posting one from earlier in the week.... (I was a good mom and took some on my regular camera!)

I cannot believe hudson is nine months already! It's funny to be thinking of his birthday party already! Seems like just yesterday that we were new in wi and just had a baby boy and yet it seems like he has been a part of our family forever too!!

Hudson has really taken off on mobility this last month. He has been crawling but now he crawls really fast and even walks really fast with his walker.

He does not want anything to do with baby food. And only wants to eat finger food. (Oh and I have so much baby food still in my freezer that I made!). Favorite food are pancakes, grapes, carrots, green beans, quesadillas. For snacks he loves crackers and daddy even started giving him some popcorn!

Sleeping habits are so much better this last month. He sleeps 10 hours a night. Goes to bed around 8 and wakes at 6 for his bottle and then goes back to sleep for another hour or two. Takes two naps. Both are approx an hour and a half normally.

I stopped nursing Hudson on December 11. He was biting and just not cooperating. (I had also gone two or tree days when I hadn't nursed much bc of being at the hospital with my dad). He drinks about 24-30 oz a day of gerber gentle formula. I also have started going him supply cups of water and has finally gotten the hang of it. I have also started giving him some milk to drink as a snack.

Favorite toys? He loves books all of a sudden! This from a boy who I thought wouldn't ever like them! He didn't like to sit through them when little and now loves looking and even laughing at the pictures! He especially like touch and feel books and tickle time. Otherwise he likes playing with the little people animals and Chloe's kitchen items. He also loves chasing after balls and trucks when we roll them.

He is a great little boy! And i am starting to notice the "boy" in him! Unlike Chloe where she lingers on an emotion... Hudson screams and then moves on two seconds later. He does like to cuddle more than chloe but still not ALOT.

I love him so much and cannot image life without him!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Plays together... Stay together!

I didn't know if this day would ever come! Chloe and Hudson played together almost all day!! Chloe is sharing toys with Hudson and Hudson just laughs and follows Chloe to play new things! They are so cute and I am able to get some packing done!

Chloe loves her bible. I find her so many times going to her bible to just flip through the pages and look at pictures. She is starting to associate different things with the pictures too!! I love it and pray she never loses this love!!! (She uses it so much that today her bible actually started to fall apart!!)

Lately Chloe has been waking up rather early in the mornings! She used to sleep until 730/800 but has been waking up now at 600. Well she gets tired much faster when she wakes so early. Today I was making lunch for all of is and all of a sudden Hudson started screaming lots. I came out to find chloe had fallen asleep on the couch. Hudson was screaming and "hitting" her to try and wake her up! It wasn't working! She was sound asleep.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lots of laughs!

This morning Hudson thought he needed to crawl under the table to brush his teeth! It's the best place to brush his teeth ya know!

Chloe is so cute! The last couple days she has really gotten into giving thumbs up when she is happy about something. Her actions remind me so much of Michelle on Full House! Now if only I could get her to say "you got it dude!"

We go on Saturday to sign our lease for our new duplex. We are hoping to move the last week of February. So we are settled by March 1. I am so exciting to be living in a city where everything will be within 5-10 mins again!! I am also really hoping within a year or two we have some confirmation on work related things so we could maybe build a home soon! I am so excited for the day we can own a home!

There is nothing that makes my day better than hearing Chloe and Hudson laughing and playing together! I love it! Today... Chloe and Hudson were playing in the pack n play while I cleaned the kitchen after lunch and they were wrestling and laughing so hard!! Then while I made supper, they decided to knock off every magnet that we own and laughed so hard! Hudson was actually having to catch his breath he was laughing so hard!

I practiced French braiding Chloe's hair today... It's so hard for me to do! I think I need to pull out my American girl doll and practice on her!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back into the swing?!?!

Well it Has been forever since I last posted! I am one of those people that so desires to journal and blog but just don't stay at it consistently. After talking with my cousin today, i am going to try to start up again. For one month now i have consistently taken one picture a day and for three weeks I have consistently read my bible every day. I am hoping the consistency can roll over into my blogging as well... With us mot living close to family, this is a way for me to share with them about our family and a way for me to journal our life! Here goes!

What a blessing it was today to have my dear neighbor and her kids to come over and play/talk and for lunch. Chloe loves playing with these kiddos and they are so great with her! Hudson was also having fun entertaining everyone during lunch with his loud noises and bouncing in his Johnny jump up. I'm praying so much for my neighbor as she is going through a rough time right now! I will miss her so much when we move and can only hope to find as good of neighbors!

We got about 6-8 inches of snow and I took the kids out to play in it. They love it! Sledding and eating snow (even Hudson ate some!) are so much fun! I love snow and playing in it!! Probably some of my favorite childhood memories are in the snow and riding the kitty cat snowmobile. Hoping my kids can ride that someday too!

This afternoon while the kids and I were playing with toys... Hudson stood by himself for three seconds! (Two times!!). Won't be long until my little guy is walking!!

After supper I was trying to clean up the mess in the kitchen and dining room. (I didn't make it very far as it was all still messy when Christopher got home!) while I was clearing the table, I hear Chloe and Hudson just start dying laughing. I come to find them and they are over By the humidifier and had taken the top off and were splashing and playing in the water. Having so much fun together! I couldn't help but laugh with them!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012